Unless otherwise specified, descriptions are moving left to right and top to bottom.
Kingdom Come is referred to as KC.
Planet Krypton, in KC, was a restaurant that was a DC version of Planet Hollywood.
Page 1. Panel 3. Michael Carter as the hero Booster Gold, first introduced in Booster Gold #1. He was, as he mentions here, a member of the Justice League.
In KC Planet Krypton was a somewhat soulless exploitation of the heroic legacy, somewhat in keeping with Booster Gold himself.
The poster in the upper left is of the Justice League of Booster's time. The poster on the right is familiar, but I can't quite place it; Thad Doria notes that it has "the pre-Crisis rocketship that brought the baby Kal-el to Earth, not the birthing matrix seen in the post-reboot Superman."
Page 2. Panel 2. In the background can be seen a waiter dressed like the Human Bomb (Golden Age hero and member of the Freedom Fighters).
Panel 4. The "Hero Dial" in the display case is the weird alien dial that gave Robby Reed, Christopher King, and Victoria Grant the powers to bcome Dial "H" for Hero. Sean MacDonald points out that the dial is clearly Robby's, as his had more than four letters, while Chris' and Vickie's dials had only H, E, R, and O.
I do not know who the waiter to the right of Supergirl, with the leather jacket & the yin-yang symbol on the back, is, although it somehow reminds me of a character introduced into the Legion of Super-Heroes before Zero Hour; Jay J notes that one of the characters in the Blood Pack wears a jacket like this. The waiter to his right is dressed as the Golden Age Sandman.
Page 3. Panel 2. The two waiters to the left are dressed as the hero Jade, in her original, Infinity Inc. costume, and the Silver Age Atom. The waiter to the far right is dressed as the Golden Age hero Dr. Mid-Nite.
Page 4. The ghosts seen here are all products of the pre-Crisis/Zero Hour universe; in the current DC Universe they are all dead or never existed. We can see:
![]() | the legs of the Silver Age Flash, Barry Allen, in the upper right. He's a ghost here because, of course, he's dead. |
![]() | Superwoman, who first appeared in DC Comics Presents Annual #2. She is a ghost because, in the present DC Universe, she never existed. Mike notes that her alter ego, Kristen Wells, appeared in Superman: Miracle Monday, the novel by Kingdom Come novelization writer Elliot S. Maggin. |
![]() | Captain Atom (first appearance Space Adventures #33), in his original, 1961 Space Adventures costume (although that had a blue half-hood, rather than a red one). He is a ghost because his original appearance was in his current, all-chrome costume, and well within the current continuity. |
![]() | the Silver Age Batwoman, aka Kathy Kane, who first appeared in Detective Comics #233. She is a ghost because she no longer exists within the current continuity and because she was killed in action by the League of Assassins in Detective #485. |
![]() | the Silver Age Superboy, who first appeared in More Fun #101. In the current continuity he never existed. |
![]() | the Silver Age Lightning Lad, who first appeared in Adventure Comics #247. His arm is metal because, in Adventure #332, he sacrificed his arm in battling the alien Dxaundii. He's a ghost here because, in the new, post-Zero Hour Legion of Super-Heroes, there is no "Lightning Lad," but rather "Live Wire" - although, as David J. Snyder and Thad Doria point out, he has lost his arm in the post-Zero Hour LSH. |
![]() | Fury, who first appeared in Wonder Woman #300. She was the daughter of the Golden Age Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and as such, of course, no longer exists in current continuity. (Post-Zero Hour, the modern Fury was the daughter of the Golden Age Fury, who appeared in Young All-Stars and then nowhere else, although she may have made a cameo in Sandman). |
Hanging from the ceiling is the Batcopter, which Thad Doria notes was known as the "Flying Batcave" because it was huge and had its own crime lab and everything. The object in the upper left of the panel, to the left of Superwoman, is the machine which created Super Duper in JLA #31.
Page 5. Panel 1. The legs of Flash IV can be seen in the left of the panel. Mark Waid identifies the woman with the bow in her hair as Insect Queen.
Insect Queen was Lana Lang's super identity in the Silver Age and before the Crisis, both on Earth-1 and Earth-2. Mark Katzoff notes that the costume seen here is the SA Insect Queen's.
Richard Boucher suggests (and Mark Waid confirms) that the character with the lightning bolt is Lightning Man, the identity adopted by an amensiac Superman in World's Finest #89.
Panel 2. Thanks to Randy Lander I know that the Green Lantern in flight is the Batman from the In Darkest Night Elseworlds.
Mark Coale identified the tall woman and short man as the 1960s mod Wonder Woman and her mentor I Ching
Mark Waid identifies the ghost in the foreground as Insect Queen.
Thad Doria adds that the ghost to the right of Rose is Rorschach, from Watchmen, although I don't think that's Rorschach, myself.
Panel 3. The characters here are:
![]() | unknown |
![]() | Sandman II, from the short-lived but memorable 1970s Jack Kirby Sandman series. |
![]() | Mark Katzoff confirms that that is the adult Robin, from JLA #55-56. |
![]() | Flash IV. Flash IV is the daughter of Wally West (the KC Flash III), and (according to the Revelations supplement) Angela Margolin, who was recently introduced in The Flash. Flash IV's costume is very similar to the costume that Wally West wore as Kid Flash I, while he was with the Teen Titans. The Revelations supplement says this about her: "The young girl in the Kid Flash- derived outfit is the daughter of the adult Kid Flash, Wally West (now simply The Flash). I justify two people running around with the same superhero name by saying that it's simply part of longtime DC history to have lots of guys share a mantle (though the excuse of having alternate versions of Earth is now gone). She would have gained this super-speedster lineage by blood, but her more natural humanity contrasts with her father's evolved, near-godlike state. Also, if Flash truly is a composite of more than Wally West's sentience, he would be further hampered in relating to his offspring. Certain costume details in her lightning-striped pants and booties reflect the design of the original Flash, Jay Garrick." She is featured more prominently in The Kingdom: Kid Flash. |
![]() | I do not know who the character in the lower left is. |
![]() | George Cantrell suggested, and Mark Waid confirmed, that armored character in the lower right is the version of Iron Man that came from the alternate Earth, in the DC universe, from which the Extremists (the JLA enemies) come. Thad Doria adds that his name was "Tin Man." |
Panel 5. The character on the left is Offspring, from the KC future. He is the son of Plastic Man, and is featured more prominently in The Kingdom: Offspring. The character on the right is the Green Lantern Hollika Rahn (first appearance Green Lantern v2 #163); she died recently in the pages of GL.
Panel 6. I don't recognize most of the ghosts here. The character on the right, with the hood, might be the new Hourman, Hourman III, the one introduced recently in the JLA. CBoldman sees similarities between two of the ghosts and Lightning and No-Man of the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. agents. Owen Erasmus points out that the woman on the left is likely a Supergirl ghost, just because there's a ghost of Supergirl in most of the panels. Rick Hodge notes that the character with the X looks like Captain X of the RAF, or perhaps the Blackhawks enemy the Skyshark.
Page 6. Panel 1. The characters seen here are Adam Strange, Jor-El, Rose as Supergirl, Hawkwoman, and Katma Tui.
Adam Strange is a Silver Age spaceman & hero. Cboldman comments that "the red-haired, helmetless Adam Strange is, I believe, the descendent of the original Adam Strange. This character teamed up with Space Ranger a few times in Mystery In Space." Mark Waid confirms this and points out his red hair, and also says that the issues were MIS #94 & #98.
Jor-El was the father of Superman; he's seen here in his Silver Age costume.
Hawkwoman is a Silver Age heroine & alien from Thanagar.
Katma Tui was a member of the Green Lantern Corps, and the wife of John Stewart, before she was killed.
Panel 3. The Starro mentioned here was an enemy of the Justice League.
Page 7. Panel 6. The waiters are dressed as Catwoman, Supergirl, Robin, Zatanna, the John Stewart Green Lantern, and Animal Man, in what Thad Doria notes is his original costume.
The display case to the immediate left of Supergirl holds the helmet of B'wana Beast. B'wana Beast is an obscure DC hero; his helmet (this is not an exact replica) gives him "telepathic mastery over all wildlife."
Page 8. Panel 4. "Tate" is dressed (as we see more fully in panel 5) as the hero Damage, the son of the GA Atom.
Panel 7. The ghosts seen here are: Superboy, Insect Queen, Batwoman, Offspring, Rose, unknown (green cloak), Superwoman, Dream Girl, unknown (Batman?), Silver Scarab, Hill Billy Batson, Ultra the Multi-Alien, Fury, Princess Projectra, Luthor III, and Nightstar.
Dream Girl was a long-standing member of the Legion of Super-Heroes before Zero Hour rebooted their continuity. She is a ghost because she no longer exists in the LSH reality, although, as Mark Katzoff notes, the LSH's Dreamer is esssentially the same character.
Mark Coale identified the Silver Scarab, aka Hector Hall, who was the son of the Golden Age Hawkman & Hawkgirl and later became the Silver Scarab, before dying (which is why he's a ghost)
Hill Billy Batson...well, see, it's like this. Back during the Golden Age (September 1941, to be exact, in Whiz #21), CC Beck and the other creators of the Golden Age Captain Marvel decided to introduce some new characters into the world of Captain Marvel. So they did; they introduced Captain Marvel's Squadron of Justice, which consisted of three boys, each named Billy Batson, who had learned about Billy Batson & his magic word (from reading comic books, natch) and discovered that the secret word "Shazam!" worked for them, as well. These three became known as the Lieutenants Marvel. They were the tall, black-haired Tall Marvel, the red-haired and pudgy Fat Marvel, and the blond Hill Billy Marvel. Hill Billy is the one we see here. (His corpse made a one-panel cameo in KC #2). (As a sidenote, "Squadron of Justice" was the name slapped on to the one-time-only team of Bulletman, Bulletgirl, Ibis, Mr. Scarlet, Pinky, and Spy Smasher when they appeared in JLA #135)
Ultra the Multi-Alien was Ace Arn, a pilot who through various plot machinations ended up being the conglomeration of four different alien beings. (He made a one-panel cameo in KC #2)
Princess Projectra was a long-time member of the Legion of Super-Heroes before the Zero Hour reboot. She is a ghost because, like Dream Girl, this version of her does not exist in the current LSH (she's a big snake there now).
Luthor III was Lex Luthor, a scientist and hero, on the world of Earth-3, where all the normal heroes were villains (the JLA was the Crime Syndicate of America). The Crisis, of course, erased Earth-3, which is why Luthor III is now a ghost.
Nightstar is the daughter of Nightwing (aka Robin, aka Kingdom Come's Red Robin) and Starfire, from the Teen Titans. The Kingdom Come Revelations supplement says this about her: "Definitely her mother's daughter, the flying starbolt-firing vixen with the rich, flowing hair and green eyes seems to show more of the superhuman/alien side of her parentage. The half-human, half-Tamaranean child of longtime Titans couple (separated in current storylines) Starfire and Nightwing (Red Robin) is the focal example in Kingdom Come of the generational divide between the classic super-heroes and their children....visually, she combines her parents' individual costumed identities with the wing motif of Nightwing and the more violet hue of her starbolt power (Starfire's was red)." She is featured more prominently in Kingdom: Nightstar.
Page 9. Panel 1. The ghosts seen here are Adam Strange, unknown (back to the panel), Flash IV, Hooded Justice, the Jester, Red Robin, Starman IV, Robotman II, a Thanagarian, Ibn al- Xu'ffasch, Superwoman, unknown (Batman symbol), should know but don't.
The Adam Strange seen here is the Adam Strange of the future, as on page 6, panel 1.
The Hooded Justice was one of the GA heroes from the series Watchman.
The Jester was a GA hero for Quality's Smash Comics, and was later made into a member of the All-Star Squadron. He recently appeared in Starman; whether he is currently dead, in DC continuity, is unknown to me, but it would explain his presence here.
Red Robin was, in KC, Dick Grayson, aka formerly Nightwing and formerly Robin. The KC card set describes Red Robin as "formerly Nightwing, Dick Grayson, the original Robin, is following in his mentor's footsteps again."
T'Omm corrects my original misidentification of this character and notes that this is Starman IV (not Starman III, as Donald MacPherson pointed out), the Steve Ditko character who first appeared in Adventure Comics #467.
Robotman II was a member of the original Doom Patrol. Like Animal Man, Robotman II was vividly characterized by Grant Morrison (in Morrison's time on Doom Patrol), but as far as I know Robotman II has never died. TSRob, Donald MacPherson, and Thad Doria point out, in response to my initial confusion, that this is Robotman II as he appeared (in a body built by Doc Magnus) in the 1970s SHOWCASE revival of Doom Patrol). This body was cast aside for Robotman II's original body, which I suppose would qualify it as a ghost.
The Thanagarians are the alien race, in the DC universe, from which Hawkman II and Hawkwoman come. This isn't Hawkwoman, however, because she never wore (as far as I know) an outfit which revealed so much skin, or had spiked shoulder pads. I believe this is the Thanagarian from the issue of Swamp Thing in which ST visited the planet Rann and helped Adam Strange foil an evil Thanagarian plot. (Hal Shipman and TSRob suggest that this Thanagarian is also the same one who appeared in and on the cover of Animal Man #6.)
Ibn al-Xu'ffasch is "heir to the empire of Ra's Al Ghul," whowas one of The Batman's greatest enemies and another would- be world-conqueror. The KC Revelations supplement says this about Ibn Al Xu'ffasch:
Ibn al-Xu'ffasch is featured more prominently in Kingdom: Son of the Bat.
The Superwoman seen here is the Superwoman of Staryl, Luma Lynai, who first appeared in Action #289. Thad Doria notes that her "insignia appears to be the same as worn by the Super-family in the recent "Crisis 4.5" issue of Legends of the DCU."
Panel 2. Mark Katzoff says, of the Helmet of Hate, that "IIRC, Pre-Crisis, the Helmet of Hate was used by Superman and Jimmy Olsen in "Plan J" to make it appear that Jimmy had been turned against Superman by the Helmet. The story was reprinted in Jimmy Olsen #113." Mark Waid confirms this and points out that the original story was in Jimmy Olsen #68.
Panel 3. Moving right to left, the characters are Medphyll, Batman (?), Sargon the Sorcerer, OMAC, and Robin. The character in the display case is Powerman, last seen in The Kingdom #1.
Medphyll is the plant Green Lantern of J586. He first appeared in Green Lantern v2 n11, and was later revived by Alan Moore in Swamp Thing #61; later still he became a member of the Darkstars. His final fate has not yet been written, but, given his appearance as a ghost, here, seems not to be a happy one (Owen Erasmus notes that he was killed in Invasion #1).
Sargon the Sorcerer was a Golden Age DC hero. He died in Swamp Thing #50, trying to save the universe - which is why he's a ghost here. (Thad Doria notes that he's come back from the dead before, during Mark Millar's run on Swamp Thing)
OMAC is the Jack Kirby-created One Man Army Corps, a hero from one of DC's alternate futures. He's a ghost because, as far as I know, his future was erased during Crisis and Zero Hour.
Panel 5. The ghosts are Batman, a Liberator, Superwoman, and Lightning Lad.
David J. Snyder notes that "this Batman's chest emblem looks a lot like the one from Batman - Holy Terror, except properly there should be a white strip running up the neck like a priest's collar." Mark Waid confirms that this is that Batman.
The helmet seen in the display case is B'wana Beast's, although it lacks the spots that the Beast's helmet has.
The Liberator was the super-robot under the evil Jimmy Olsen's control in the DC Elseworlds miniseries Justice League of America: the Nail.
Panel 6. The ghosts are Rip Hunter, Nightstar, Ibn al- Xu'ffasch, and the Blue Devil.
As Mark Billian, Allen W. Wright, and several others noted when they corrected my initial misidentification, although the ghost on the left looks like Jor-El, it's actually Rip Hunter, seen here in his Silver Age costume. Robert Justus, Hal Shipman, Brent Wilkins and Owen Erasmus maintain that this is Colossal Boy of the LSH in his Silver Age costume.
The Blue Devil is the DC hero from the fondly-remembered eponymous book. He's a ghost because he was recently killed in Starman, although his death has been left open for revision.
Page 10. Panel 1. The ghosts are Batwoman, Mento, Green Lantern I, Zatanna, Robotman II, Flamebird, and adult Robin.
Mento was the super-heroic (and later villainous) identity of Steve Dayton, a member of the Doom Patrol. Mark Katzoff notes that he's a ghost because he was apparently destroyed in Deathstroke #50.
Mark Waid, and MickeyCT, correct me my initial misidentification and say that that is indeed Zatanna, in one of her earlier, post-fishnets-and-top-hat, costumes. Terence Chua adds that the costume was seen in JLA #161.
Mark Waid points out that the character next to Robotman II is Flamebird. Flamebird first appeared in Superman #158. Back before the Crisis, Superman and Jimmy Olsen ventured into the bottle city of Kandor to fight crime and took on the super-identities of Nightwing and Flamebird. Later, two Kandorians took on the super-identities of the two and fought crime.
Panel 3. The ghosts are Superwoman, Hill Billy Marvel, Offspring, Batman from John Francis Moore's Elseworlds Finest, Brainiac, Supergirl, and Superwoman.
Mark Waid notes that the Superwoman seen here is the Superwoman of Staryl, Luma Lynai, who first appeared in Action #289.
Brainiac is, in DC continuity, one of Superman's archenemies. The version seen here, with the green skin and the forehead wiring, seems to be the Silver Age version, and so is a ghost (because the SA version of Brainiac no longer exists in DC continuity).
Dean Velasco noted, and Mark Waid confirmed, that this is the Supergirl seen in KC, on page 34 (44 of the collected edition).
Page 11. The golden mask in the display case is the Psycho Pirate's emotion-generating/controlling Medusa Mask. Alan Meisler points out what I should have noted - that in Grant Morrison's run on Animal Man the Mask was responsible for creating many pre- Crisis/Zero Hour characters and bringing them, and nearly the multiverse, into the current, one-universe DC Earth.
Page 12. Panel 2. The Amazo mentioned here is an android enemy of the JLA with all of their powers. Booster Gold fought Amazo along side the JLI late in that book's run.
Page 13. Panel 1. The table, first seen in Kingdom Come, has the colors of Plastic Man's costume.
Hanging from the ceiling is a model of the square planet of Bizarro (the warped version of Superman), which, as Donald MacPherson points out, is called Bizarro's World - or, as Owen Erasmus notes, Htrae.
Mark Coale wondered, and Mark Waid confirmed, that the two figures sitting at the table are Barry Kitson & Mark Waid. Ratbat notes the irony in their comments, as the Batman editorial office currently insists that the rest of the DC universe sees the Batman as an urban myth.
Panel 2. The display case that Rose is hiding behind holds a replica of Starro.
Panel 3. On the right can be seen what Mark Waid identified as "Rip Hunter's Time Sphere (miscolored) and the machine which created Super Duper (from JLofA #31)."
Page 14. Panel 1. The display case on the left holds what Mark Waid confirmed to be the armor of the Amazons, the race from which Wonder Woman comes.
On the table can be seen the Bulletman & Bulletgirl salt- and-pepper shakers from KC.
Panel 2. The display case on the left holds three Batarangs - the camera batarang, the explosive batarang, and one other. (Thanks to Thad Doria for labeling them)
Panel 3. The "Thanagarian Absorbascon" was the object by which Hawkman II and Hawkwoman to absorb all Earth knowledge. Thad Doria notes that "the absorbascon featured prominently in Tony Isabella's "Shadow War" Hawkman series, which has been retconned away. In Hawkworld (the series) it was shown that our television mass media serves the same function as a Thanagarian absorbascon, and so it was never mentioned again."
Panel 4. The Phantom Zone Projector is the instrument by which Superman has always, both pre- and post-Crisis, projected things and people into the Phantom Zone, a dimension discovered (pre-Crisis, at least) by Superman's father, Jor-El.
Panels 5-6. The reason that Batman is so puzzled by the differently-colored displays of Kryptonite is that, in current DC continuity, there is only one kind of Kryptonite (radioactive minerals from Superman's home planet of Krypton). Pre-Crisis, however, there were a number of different kinds of Kryptonite. The kinds seen here are:
Red Kryptonite, which has strange and unpredictable (and temporary) effects on Superman (turning him into a baby or giant ant, etc).
Gold Kryptonite, which permanently robs Kryptonians of their superpowers.
Blue Kryptonite, which is fatal to Bizarro creatures but has no effect on Kryptonians.
Green Kryptonite, which is fatal to Superman if he is exposed to it for an extended period of time.
Mark Waid confirms that the Kryptonite that Batman is holding in panel 6 is Blue Kryptonite. Mark Coale notes that Batman says "how bizarre" as he holds the only kind of Kryptonite that can affect Bizarros.
Page 15. Panel 2. The ghosts are Hawkman (helmet), Jor-El, Aleea Strange, Batwoman, Nimbus of the Omega Men, Alanna Strange (identified by Mark Waid), Robin, Krypto, Superboy, and Robin.
Aleea Strange (she can more clearly be seen on page 16, panel 3), in KC, is the daughter of Adam Strange, a DC space hero, and Alanna Strange (Adam's wife, who has never had a last, patronymic/matronymic name of her own) of the planet Rann. The KC card set calls Aleea Strange the "half-human, half-alien daughter of Adam Strange and Alanna Strange." Alex Ross has wonderfully incorporated into Aleea Strange's helmet the design of the helmet of Gary Concord, the Ultra-Man, who appeared in and All-American Comics #3-19 and All- Star Comics #1-3, back in 1940. The KC Revelations supplement says the following about Aleea Strange:
Nimbus was a detached spirit and member of the alien team of heroes the Omega Men. As far as I know, though, the Omega Men are still in DC continuity, and Nimbus has not died, although he is a sort of ghost to begin with.
Alanna Strange is the wife of Adam Strange and a native of the planet Rann.
The Robin between Alanna Strange and Superboy, as TSRob points out and Mark Waid confirms, is the adult Earth-2 Robin in the costume he adopted in the 1970s revival of All-Star Comics.
Krypto was the super-powered dog that was the pet and best friend of both Superboy and Superman. He is a ghost here because, of course, he has been erased from DC continuity.
Mark Waid says that the Robin on the far right of the panel is the "Robin from Earth-One from JLA #92."
Panel 6. This moment has some poignance only if you are aware of the end of the Batwoman of Earth-1. On Earth-1, Kathy Kane was killed by the League of Assassins; she was not, contrary what I originally said, a former love interest of the Batman, but (as Steve Parker says) a circus-owning friend of Bruce Wayne.
Page 16. Panel 3. The ghost on the left, partially obscured by the display case with the Starro clone, is Judomaster II. The ghost to the right of Jor-El is Aleea Strange.
Judomaster II is a KC character, is based on the Charlton and DC hero Judomaster; the card set calls her the "female inheritor of the mantle."
Panel 4. Mark Coale points out that the character to the right of Batman is Zook. Zook, during the Silver Age, was an orange imp who became the Martian Manhunter's pet/friend, in something of the same way that Batman had Bat-Mite.
Panel 5. The ghosts to the right of Batman are Offspring (identified by Mark Waid), the Joker of DC's Tangent Line, Hawkman and the Green Lantern of DC's Tangent line of comics. Donald MacPherson points out that Hawkman's headgear "is the one worn by Hawkman II in his Silver Age debut in The Brave and the Bold."
The identity of the ghost between Batman and Hawkman is unresolved; it could be the Joker of JLA: The Nail.
Page 17. Panel 2. The ghosts here are Nightwing, Silver Ghost, Supergirl (1970s costume), Superman of Elseworlds Finest, Robin, Superman, Batman? Offspring, Supergirl? (in flight), Luma Lynai Superwoman, Vanquisher, Vartox, the Supergirl of Elseworlds' Finest: Supergirl and Batgirl, and the Fury.
Mark Waid confirmed that that was the Silver Ghost, the villain who first appeared in Freedom Fighters #1.
Mark Waid confirms that this is Nightwing - not the Dick Grayson Nightwing, but rather the original Nightwing, who first appeared in Superman #158. Back before the Crisis, Superman and Jimmy Olsen ventured into the bottle city of Kandor to fight crime and took on the super-identities of Nightwing and Flamebird. Later, two Kandorians took on the identities.
Ratbat notes that the head with the domino mask belongs to the Robin of Elseworlds: Robin 3000.
The Superman ghost with the buttons down his shirt - the one to the right of what looks like Catwoman, is, as Loren points out, from Superman's Metropolis.
Mark Waid noted that the guy to the left of Vartox is the Vanquisher, who first appeared in Blue Devil #12. He's a ghost most likely because a version of him was killed in combat against OMAC.
Vartox was an alien who first appeared in Superman #281; he was a hero with a wide range of superpowers and who fell in love with Lana Lang. He is a ghost because he does not exist in the post-Crisis DC universe.
Panel 3. The ghosts here are Flash IV, Yellow Peri, Luthor III, Jor-El, Mr. Atom, Black Rock, Offspring, unknown, Syrene, Superwoman, the Composite Superman, Red Tornado? (mask), and Ultra the Multi-Alien (identified by Mark Waid).
The Yellow Peri (first appearance: New Adventures Of Superboy #34) was a woman who found a book of spells and used them for various ends, usually drawing the attention of Superboy. She's a ghost because she does not exist in the post-Crisis/Zero Hour DC universe.
Mr. Atom (introduced in Captain Marvel Adventures #78) was originally, during the Golden Age, an indestructible robot, powered by atomic energy, who proved to be Captain Marvel's toughest opponent. Although a version of Mr. Atom was introduced in Power of Shazam, the ghost seen here is probably the original. Unless, of course, the image is somehow Egg Fu.
Blackrock (introduced in Action Comics #468) was an enemy of Superman who used a "power-stone" to bedevil Supes. Why he's a ghost here is not known to me, unless he's either died in the post-Crisis/Zero Hour DC universe, or has not been seen since then. (I think he made an appearance in the Giffen Justice League, though; perhaps he died after that?) Alan Meisler notes that Blackrock was created by a rival station, from the pre-Crisis days when Clark Kent was a newscaster - and since Clark Kent, post-Crisis/Zero Hour, has never been newscaster, Blackrock's existence tends not to make any sense. Which would explain, after all, why he's a ghost here.
Syrene, identified by Mark Waid, was introduced in Action Comics #527; she was from the future, and a wife of Lord Satanis, an enemy of Superman.
Composite Superman (introduced in World's Finest Comics #142) was one of greatest of Batman's and Superman's enemies; he was the caretaker of the Superman Museum who, via a stray lightning bolt & the statuettes of the Legion of Super-Heroes, was given all the powers of the Legionnaires. He does not exist in the post-Crisis/Zero Hour DC universe, although a version of him, the Composite Legionnaire, was introduced in one of the LSH books.
Page 18. Panel 2. The ghosts are Valda, the Superman of Elseworlds Finest, Sensor Girl, Blackrock, Nightwing, and the Lumai Lynai Superwoman.
Valda (identified by Mark Waid) first appeared in Arak, Son of Thunder #3; she was the daughter of the legendary female knight Bradamante and eventually became Arak's lover.
Sensor Girl (confirmed by Mark Waid) was the second super-identity of Princess Projectra, of the Legion of Super-Heroes; after having quit the LSH, following the death of her lover Karate Kid, she reapplied and was accepted as Sensor Girl. She is a ghost here because, like Princess Projectra, she does not exist in the current LSH universe.
The Nightwing seen here is the Dick Grayson version of the character, although why he's a ghost I do not know.
Panel 3. Terence Chua and Hal Shipman identify the ghost behind Offspring as the Batgirl from Elseworld's Finest: Supergirl and Batgirl.
Page 20. Panel 1. The ghost on the left is the mod Wonder Woman.
Offspring is making the "live long and prosper" gesture of the Vulcans of Star Trek.
Panel 5. Mark Waid confirms that one of the ghosts is Nameless, of the Metal Men. Nameless was the seventh, unofficial member of the Metal Men until she was destroyed in battled, which is why she's a ghost here.
Thanks to Mark Billian, C. Boldman; Richard Boucher; Jerry Boyajian; George Cantrell; Terence Chua; Mark Coale (Font of All Knowledge), who did much of the identification; Thad Doria; Owen Erasmus; Michael Grabois; Chuck Hensey; Rick Hodge; Jay J; Andy Jones; Robert Justus, Bob Kennedy; Randy Lander; Loren; Sean MacDonald; Donald MacPherson; Kevin Maroney; Alan Meisler; MickeyCT; Mike; Steve Parker; Fred Perry; Ratbat; DK Russo; Richard Schwerdtfeger; Hal Shipman; David J. Snyder; Michael Standish; T'Omm, TSRob; Ulti-Matt; Mark Waid, for many, many corrections and additions - and, of course, for writing this book and for KC; Dean Velasco; Brent Wilkins; Woofr; and Allen W. Wright.